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Say hello to upcycling at its finest! Make windowsill garden your ultimate project this month.We just hate just throwing things away when it’s possible to give something a whole new life, and so we’re always looking for ways to re-purpose or re-use where possible. If you are a fan of our gorgeous candles, then you may be wondering what to do with the tin when your candle comes to the end of its original life. The good news is that it doesn’t have to be the end of a good thing! There are lots of ways to re-use your tins when your candles have been used up, and here is our favourite upcycling project for the Summer months! We are here to share with you a genius life hack we have recently come up with and that is to create your own windowsill garden. You can even do this in the Autumn and Winter, as there are plenty of little Winter blooms which would be suitable (and even small cactus and succulents for any time of the year!)
Alyssa’s very own windowsill garden!
You will need:
Your candle tin
Hand drill or similar
A nail and a hammer
Compost suitable for the type of flower you are planting
Seeds for your chosen flowers (we picked violas!)
A candle plate or small plate to stand your tin on
A little jug or glass of water
Ribbons to tie round your tin
Tag to write the contents of the tin on
You only need a few simple tools to create your own stunning little garden!
To Start:
Set aside the seeds you are going to use, together with a small amount of compost for the tin.
Once your tin is dry, carefully mark the underneath of the tin with a permanent marker in 2-3 places, evenly spaced around the tin. Take one of the nails and hammer and gently tap the areas where you have used a marker pen to slightly dent the tin. This will make it so much easier to drill your holes through the bottom of the tin.
Remember to drill some holes in the bottom of your candle tin to allow the water to drain!
Next Steps:
Once you have drilled your holes, pop the tin on a flat surface. It’s a good idea to cover your table or surface in newspaper as soil can be a bit messy! Carefully spoon your soil into your candle tin, leaving around 3cm from the top of the tin without soil. Gently pop your seeds into the soil, spaced out as per the instructions on the seed packet. Cover with a small layer of soil.
Pop your tin on your candle plate or small side plate for it to stand on
Alyssa’s perfectly planted viola seeds!
Optional Step
If you’re into decoration, then the next part of this project is for you! Why not label your little garden with what’s inside? This is great if you’re doing more than one, but it also adds a cutesy element and looks great on display. Why not also tie some lovely coloured ribbon around the little garden tin and into a lovely bow too? They look lovely lined up together on the window if you are making more than one flower garden! This is the perfect time to get creative!
For everyone
Keep a close eye on your little flower garden and make sure you water it regularly and gently. Within a few weeks you will see some little seeds start to pop up and eventually, your lovely flowers! This is the perfect way to bring the outside inside and reuse your lovely candle tins at the same time!
The stunning finished product!
We hope you enjoy this lovely project and please do send any of your own little windowsill flower garden piccies over to us, and don’t forget to tag us on social media (@Alyssajewellery) so we can see your projects in full bloom!
Founder, Director and Jewellery Chief Elf Designer Maker · Alyssa Smith Jewellery
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